'Tis better to give than, wait a minute...
Is it really better to give than to receive? At the end of the day, don't we give to make ourselves feel better about ourselves? Isn't...

Five Minute Festive: Personalized Ornaments
Every year I pick out ornaments for everyone who is going to be at my house Christmas morning. There is always some kind of theme and...

Five Minute Festive: Pomanders
Pomanders were a big part of the holiday season for me as a kid. These clove studded oranges found their origin in the French Pomme...

Haul Out the Holly...It's THAT time again!
Every year we try to get on top of Christmas, but Christmas inevitably tops us! With anxious stalking of the UPS man; frantic runs to the...

Kitchen Challenge Part 7: Kitchen Komplete!
I've spent a large part of this summer reveling in the wonders of my brand new kitchen. Most mornings you'll catch me, just in from the...

Kitchen Challenge Part 6: Counterbalance
My kitchen project is finally in the home stretch with the cabinets delivered and appliances on their way. Last week I spent a literally...

Kitchen Challenge Part 5: Working While You Wait--A Back Porch Makeover
The waiting game is almost over and I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of the cabinets. After moving walls, putting in ceilings,...

Kitchen Challenge Part 4: Cabinet Conumdrum
By far and away the hardest decision in this whole kitchen renovation process has been choosing cabinets. Problem numero uno...kitchen...

Kitchen Challenge Part 3: Rangefinder
The stove is the workhorse of the kitchen and one of the toughest choices to be made during renovation. I had my heart set on a...

Kitchen Challenge Part 2: Demolition!
About a week ago, I woke up to a call from the back gate. After hastily throwing on some clothes, I went out to let in our construction...